Afternoon Arts & Active Play Program

Immersive Preschool Program in MA: Fun & Hands-On Preschool Learning Activities

The philosophy behind our Afternoon Arts and Active Play Program is to provide a complimentary and hands-on toddler & preschool learning experience to children who are in the morning program. It is very process-oriented and child-directed and includes preschool learning activities that focus on the arts and gross motor skills, as well as special activities. Children are grouped in the afternoon by their development and schedule, as well as their sleep/nap schedules. Children who do not nap are given an opportunity to rest and relax followed by a variety of activities. These activities can include visual arts, music, drama, movement, storytelling, science, outdoor play and sports, and cooking. This enrichment takes place in an environment that supports individual choices and group time.

Each spring, the children all participate in an amazing curriculum surrounding the “Art Show.” The curriculum is designed to give children a variety of fun and enriching experiences. Teachers are aware of and attentive to the needs of each child, and sensitive to the fact that some children need to be very active in the afternoon and others may need ample opportunity for rest and relaxation. The Afternoon Arts and Active Play program is only available to children who attend our morning session.

The LEAP School is very thoughtful about each child’s schedule and length of day and strives to offer a rewarding preschool program in MA.